Natural Chimneys Park and Campground
Phone Number:
94 Natural Chimneys Lane,
Mt. Solon, VA 22843

It's hard to imagine, but the Shenandoah Valley was once the floor of a great inland sea. Centuries ago, as that sea receded, the forces of nature carefully etched out an awe-inspiring formation of solid rock. The seven Natural Chimneys tower as much as 120 feet above the pastoral terrain of the Shenandoah Valley, offering onlookers a sight unrivaled in majesty. Viewed from one angle, the formations resemble enormous chimneys standing in bleak contrast to the greenery of the Valley. Take a few steps, though, and the chimneys are transformed into the massive turrets of a foreboding medieval castle. Natural Chimneys Park in Mt. Solon, Virginia offers more than simply the splendor of towering limestone formations. Both day visitors and those who choose to stay overnight in the seasonal campground find plenty of space and opportunities for recreation, relaxation and fellowship. The park is open for day use from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.
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