September 16 – Town of Elkton Classic Car & Motorcycle Cruise-In, Town of Elkton, Downtown Elkton, Terrace Avenue to Spotswood Avenue. Hours 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Dash plaques and goodie bags to first 200 registered. Vendors, food trucks, Live music by The Mix. Visit the Town of Elkton Facebook page for additional details. For more information contact Town of Elkton 540-713-4062. Sponsored by Myers Ford and Local Businesses.
September 16 – Town of Elkton Classic Car & Motorcycle Cruise-In, Town of Elkton, Downtown Elkton, Terrace Avenue to Spotswood Avenue. Hours 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Dash plaques and goodie bags to first 200 registered. Vendors, food trucks, Live music by The Mix. Visit the Town of Elkton Facebook page for additional details. For more information contact Town of Elkton 540-713-4062. Sponsored by Myers Ford and Local Businesses.
September 16, 2023
1:00 pm - 4:00 pmEDT
cost not specified